fuh..best giLe xbLik umah Nie dpt gak feeL cmNe RaseNye xbaLik(eLeh,dh 4 kaLi Raye kot xbaLik, huhu...).ikutkN atiey mmNg Nk baLik umah,
(ku beRmoNoLog daLamaN)
mE 1: 4 moNths hoLiday! Nape xbaLik?? r u so CRaZy foR Not goiNg homE??
mE 2: yeah! coZ i'm so craZy la i'm Not goiNg home! sapE La y Nk dok NiLai yg dh mcm "GHOST TOWN" tue...
mE 1: NapE x baLik?? xwiNdu keRw kt owaNg umah?? xdE pRasaaN LNsuNg tau!!
mE 2: ish..sapE cakap xwiNdu?? wiNdu giLeR kot?? siap Nk NaNges2 Lg (xNaNges powN haha..) tp..daRi sy baLik wat habeskN beRas kt umah baek xyah baLik, NyusahkaN paReNts je, yeLa.. tambaNg pegi baLik jeRw dh cecah atleast Rm 800+.. Dari mEmbaZiR je duit my paReNts baek cRik cRi keje jE kt ciNie ye x?? hehe..
mE 1: so pe pRaNcaNgaN awak skuNk NIe??
mE 2: plaNNiNg ek?? caRi keRja kt memaNa RestoraN, so dpt saVe duit mkaN ye tak??(hahaha..) theN..coLLect moNey to go to GOMBAK(UIA Gombak).. so xLA NYusahkN sNgt my PaRENts haha...bijakNya sayE hehe...(ketawa owaNg kayE)..
mE 1: so cuty Nie xbosaN ke dok kt bLik??
mE 2: bosaN?? eRm...LEt me tiNk 1st, ...... BOSAN GILER kowt!! pasNie myb sayE xcoNtiNue my study kt gombak tp..myb kt IPOh kot! kt...
"hosp BAHAGIA tNjuNg bRambutaN" huhu...!!
tymE2 FRee tymE NIe la sayE wat slaLu.. xceRcise RegaNgaN badaN Ntuk mNgelakkaN pNyakit giLa mRasuk ke dLam diRi...haha...
me 1: xWiNdu kt tmaN2 ke??
me 2: mmNg WiDu giLeR2!! wiNdu sokmo..tau! dh sNdiRi2 camNie bRu ku tahu apa
ErtiNya pRshabataN..
ku peRLukN kaLiaN di sisis...wiNdu baNget deh!!.huhu..
to all ResideNt of "B1-2-7" i miss u guys...jimmy, khaLid, wajhi,taufiq,ezzaq,haziq,.N sume..La..(maaf tRuLy apoLOgiZe if xtRtuLis Name koRuNk yg laen huhu..)
to all my cLazz Romate...Luv u aLL.. bNyk suNgguh pNgaLaMaN wif u aLL.. xtRkira tau..
ssteNgah tue dRi sem 1 uNtiL sem 4,sumE se'cLAss' eveRy yeaR i hopE i get New face but, dh mmNg jodoh kowt?? u aLL gak yg pLiNg Lucky coZ dpt sayE yg baek atiey & pramah Nie, jdi mmbeR se'cLass u all... i hopE tiZ "BIG FAMILY" wiLL coNtiNue uNtiL goMbak!! possibLe ke?? hoPe so huhu...
to all my GETARIAN keep ouR stRuggLe okai!! LoNg Life GETAR!! tRuskaN beR'VIBRATE' (berGETAR) haha... pNgaLamaN wif u all mmNg xdpt ku gambaRkN NgaN kata2.. huhu.. sdey giLeR Nk NaNges jeRw huhu.. bdaway, foR aLL..my fReNds yg tymE OMEX dLu (LAURUS gRoup), yg kt ENVIRO, yg kt PJ(UIA pj), yg kt FRENSteR n BLogs.. yg kt homE towN...(kt KINABUTAN & TAWAU) aND kepada sesapE yg kNow mE..oR tiNk that i'm his fReNz, syukraN ya ALLAH... taNx a lot to u aLL to be my fReNz..Luv u all...........
akhiR kaLam..di siNi ku seLit kN sbuakh sajak foR u aLL...taNx a lot foR be my FReNz..
wheN i was in the shadow,
i wonder where is the moon
but then i found the light,
in your joyfull face,
your presence like a rainbow,
in the morning mist..
the joyfull that we had,
the hardtimes we through,
make me more matured to understand,
what are the truly meaning of FRIENDS..
this life is like a story book,
full of chapters,
full of colours,
but as long as this heart beating,
there is one chapter that i never forget,
the chapter that we meet..
and u become my FRENZ..
times fLying out but, the memories live on..
bgusnye awk kn..
ape2 i wish u all the best..
xkire dkt mane2 pun awk smbg stdy..
Gudluck k.. :))
your writing is youthful. i had a good time going through it. =)
salam~ taNx Neen..waN ReaLLy apReciatE u as my fRenz, fReNx 4 eva n eva k?? wish u aLl da best tOO..wheReveR u go & in whteVeR u doO...aLL da best!! keep iN touch k??...^_~
saLam~ taNx sOo..much!! i 'm juz wRiting if thRs soMe of poem comEs up to my miNd...n itz reaLL difficuLt to tiNk bout it make my braiN goNna xpLodE, btw, taNx again 4 da commeNt ReaLLt apReciatE it...^_~
nice entry from nice person..:)
bler maw sekelas hah??
salam~syukraN ya ukhtiE! btw, sekeLas?? ckup2 la sekali jeRw Ritue kt cLazz madam humaiyyah huhu....dh seRik dh h..hu...sob..sob..(T_T)
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